Empowering the future of hospitalized and
disabled children in our local and global community.
delivered around the community
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. We are privileged to partner with the Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation, BC Children's Hospital and local patients in giving children aged 19 and under, needed and wanted items as well as monetary donations where seen necessary. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.
BC Children's Hospital
Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation:
After some time, we have collaborated to determine a "Wishlist", comprising of a variety of toys, items and clothing to support different age groups with their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. At this time, all of our boxes and profits donated to this organization will be specifically directed to their "Child Life Department". You can find more information about this program here: http://www.bcchildrens.ca/our-services/support-services/child-life.
* Typically, we make our donations during the month of December. However, if unexpected circumstances arise, we may alter the time and type of donation to fit the needs best of our partner organizations and our resources.
KBNF is a Canadian charity, focused on providing exceptional brain and spinal medical care to places such as Liberia, Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone. We are involved with putting together "Baby Boxes" for this Foundation, which are comprised of a variety of basic (but essential) items to help with raising a healthy infant. These boxes are aimed toward bringing joy and much needed resources to new mothers in need and to encourage prenatal care/giving birth at a medical facility rather than at home.